Guest Post – Write For Us

Interested in writing a guest post for us?

We accept informative guest posts that help our audience learn about a new topic, provide a unique or compelling point of view. In exchange, you get exposure to The Eureka Life audience.  You also get a byline including a description of your company or program and a “follow” link to your site (subject to our approval).

Desired Topic Ideas for The Eureka Life:

  • Motivational blogs
  • Career Advice
  • Time Management
  • Motivational (business) posts
  • Productivity, Self Improvement & Personal Growth ideas
  • (feel free to suggest other ideas/topics)

Posts That Work Well:

  • How-to posts
  • High-quality list posts (e.g. best tools for doing a certain thing)
  • Case studies or examples
  • Infographics


The post has to be well researched and written. Typically posts are between 1000 and 1500 words but shorter(min. 1000 words) or longer posts can work, depending on the topic.  I’ve gotten some posts that are basically “filler” content – including the right buzzwords but not really teaching anything meaningful or putting forth a unique perspective. Please try to draft up a post that really adds value to the readers.

The post should be:

  • Original (not published on any other blog or website, before or after publication here)
  • Complete – have an opening, key points and a closing
  • High quality – teaching something valuable
  • Don’t forget your personality. We like to have fun while we work!

How to submit your post idea (use the form below):

  • Submit 2-3 post ideas
  • Include links to at least two other guest posts you’ve done for other sites (or if you have none, quality posts from your blog – I welcome first-timers!)

If your post idea is accepted:

  • We’ll let you know which post idea will work best for the site.
  • Posts can be submitted in Microsoft Word or in the body of an email with Meta Description.
  • Once you’ve written you post, we may make some changes to the title and the basic content. We may also ask for some re-writing, addition or removal of some portions.
  • We will provide you the opportunity to comment on the changes (if you have any issues).
  • You can provide a 2-3 sentence author byline to be run at the end with a link to your site.
  • We’ll select a picture to use with the post.
  • We expect guest posters to follow up with commenters. That’s a great way to grow your community and to get your name out there. If you don’t want to comment, please don’t submit your post.
  • We generally will run your post within 1-3 weeks ( will try quicken as much as possible), so that should be attractive to you!
  • We expect you to help promote your post – that’s a win-win as more visitors means more people getting exposed to your brand and writing!

We’ve put this process out as a way to set expectations and to get a better match between potential guest posters and The Eureka Life blog.

Submit Your Post:

If you’re interested in submitting ideas for a guest post, please email us:

  • 2-3 post ideas
  • Your site to be linked to
  • Your email address
  • Links to 2-3 guest posts from other sites (or posts from your blog)

You can email us on moc.efilakerueeht@etirw!

We look forward to reading your submission!